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 Law Enforcement Performance Courses

Work Place Wellness for LE Officers (2, 4, or 8 hr course)

Workplace Wellness for LE Officers Course is specifically designed for line officers who are out on the beat every day. Many officers are suffering from excessive stress and are ill-equipped to deal with it. Shift work, long hours, negative public perception and scrutiny, frustration with the criminal justice system, policing a growing noncompliant population, poor nutrition and lack of functional exercise contribute to quality of life issues for police officers. This affects their ability to efficiently perform their job and can lead to debilitating injuries, emotional issues and even suicide. This course emphasizes and addresses the officer’s ‘quality of life’. Officers will learn how to develop and maintain a balanced approach, using proven wellness techniques, to manage stress, and improve quality of life and job performance. Stress management, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle change are all addressed in this course. The emotional and financial cost to agencies and the quality of life issues for officers are serious. PKCO’s unique wellness philosophy and expert instruction in this course can help any department or agency give their officer’s the tools to manage stress in a healthy way.

Tactical Police Performance Instructor (24 or 40 Hour Course)

The TPPI course is certified by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board and has been determined to qualify for P.O.S.T. (continuing or proficiency) training credit in several states!

In this three day instructor course, officers will learn how to improve power, strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, agility, and movement skills for the everyday tasks of law enforcement, as well as for critical street confrontations and tactical operations. The latest cutting edge science and strategies to improve the physical preparedness of all officers from patrol to the tactical operator will be addressed. This course is tailored to the police trainer who wants to learn how to perform and instruct other officers in these methods. Movements will be analyzed and instructional aids available in order for officers to return and adapt these practices as part of their department’s or academy’s existing training programs.

The TPPI can be customized to fit the size and needs of your agency-


This course is very popular with police fitness and defensive tactics instructors and fulfills all the requirements (worth 30 contact hours) for renewal of the Cooper Institute Law Enforcement Fitness Specialist certification

TPPO (Tactical Police Performance Officer) Level 1 / Remediation for LE Officers (4 or 8 Hour Course)

The TPPO course was specifically designed for line officers who are out on the beat every day. Many officers are suffering from or will suffer from unnecessary pain, due to muscular and structural imbalances. This affects their ability to efficiently perform on the job tasks and eventually can lead to debilitating injuries during the performance of tactical maneuvers and every day LE tasks. This course will give those attending a better understanding of the injuries most commonly suffered in the LE profession, how to prevent the imbalances which can cause them, and minimize the risk of injury occurrence and/or re-occurrence, through PKCO drills/exercises taught in the course. The emphasis is on officer’s ‘quality of life’, ‘winning when it counts the most’ and ‘going home every night at the end of your shift’! This is one of PKCO’s most popular courses and we have received a 95+% favorable rating from all the thousands of officers who have attended this course.

TPPO Level 2/ Advanced Remediation for LE Officers (4 or 8 Hour Course)

The TPPO Level 2 course was specifically designed for LE officers who have previously attended the TPPO Level 1 Course. Many officers are suffering from or will suffer from unnecessary pain, due to muscular and structural imbalances. This affects their ability to efficiently perform on-the-job tasks and eventually can lead to debilitating injuries during the performance of tactical maneuvers and every day LE tasks. The TPPO Level 2 Course builds off of the foundational principles taught in the TPPO Level 1 Course and provides officers with advanced strategies to reduce structural imbalances and minimize the risk of injury occurrence and/or re-occurrence. Advanced drills and exercises to remediate these common structural imbalances will be taught.


In addition to introducing advanced drills to address the muscular and structural imbalances common to law enforcement, the TPPO Level 2 course also addresses movement. The muscular and structural imbalances common to LE Officers inhibit their ability to move efficiently and safely. Remediating these imbalances prepares the officer to be able to learn ‘how to move’. Most officers have never received instruction in the basics of moving efficiently. The TPPO Level 2 course introduces officers to the concepts of ‘moving efficiently’ in all aspects of their performance and teaches them drills and exercises to help them safely perform all LE functions that require movement. LE injuries are occurring during ‘movement’, from simply tripping over a curb/step, twisting a knee as you exit the squad car or moving during physical confrontations. Being able to move efficiently and safely will help officers reduce and/or minimize injuries as well as provide them the tools to help them during physical confrontations.

The emphasis is on officer’s ‘quality of life’, ‘winning when it counts the most’ and ‘going home every night at the end of your shift!’

TPPO Level 3/ Weight Training for Police (4 or 8 Hour Course)

This course is ideal for police officers who lift weights or police fitness instructors who instruct weight training for their departments or agencies.  Many officers perform exercises that have little or no impact on job related performance and increase the risk for severe injury.  This course will educate officers about weight room safety and correct exercise technique to minimize training injuries and maximize police performance. In-depth discussions and practical demonstrations of weight lifting techniques and 
program design to improve police specific performance will be addressed. Program and exercise modifications based on gender, age, activity levels and past injuries are addressed in this course. Methods taught will help to reduce injuries that are common to the profession, such as those to the rotator cuff, knees and lower back, and improve police performance on the street

TPPO Level 4/ Tactical Agility Police Practitioner (4 or 8 Hour Course)

Defensive tactics and other types of tactical training are very beneficial, but only if officers have the physical skills to effectively use them. This course will educate law enforcement officers and trainers on how to improve an officer’s speed, endurance, agility, power, strength, flexibility, and movement skills.  This will improve the technical skills learned in tactical training and will raise any officer’s effectiveness to higher levels on the street.  Tactical specific fitness drills and strategies to improve tactical preparedness will be demonstrated and then performed by those attending.  This course is ideal for the patrol officer to SWAT team members and instructors of defensive tactics, fitness, firearms and use of force.

TPPO Level 5/ Advanced Tactical Agility Police Practitioner (4 or 8 Hour Course)

Defensive tactics and other types of tactical training are very beneficial, but only if officers have the physical skills to effectively use them. This course builds off of the foundation learned in the TPPO Level 4 course with advanced methods and techniques to further improve an officer’s speed, endurance, agility, power, strength, flexibility, and movement skills while using LE specific implements. This will improve the technical skills learned in tactical training and will raise any officer’s effectiveness to higher levels on the street.  Tactical specific fitness drills and strategies to improve tactical preparedness will be demonstrated and then performed by those attending.  This course is ideal for the patrol officer to SWAT team members and instructors of defensive tactics, fitness, firearms and use of force.

Injury Prevention for Police (4 or 8 Hour Course)

Many officers are getting injured in the performance of their duties and during tactical training. The financial drain on departments and the quality of life issues for officers are serious. This course will assist departments and agencies in reducing injuries that occur as a result of personal, professional, and training endeavors. This course will educate law enforcement officers and trainers of the common causes of police related injuries and provide practical remedies to help prevent and identify potential for injury.  The Injury Prevention for Police Course is highly recommended for all officers including defensive tactics, fitness, firearms, and police use of force trainers.

Injury Prevention for Defensive Tactics Instructors (4 or 8 Hour Course)

Many officers are getting injured during defensive tactics training.  In an effort to limit liability and workman’s compensation claims, some agencies and departments are eliminating DT training altogether. Eliminating DT training is not the answer.  This course will educate DT instructors on the most up to date strategies to reduce injuries. Instructors will gain valuable insight and learn practical tools to identify and prevent the most common injuries that occur as a result of DT training. Instructors will also learn how to improve student performance through a greater understanding of the specific physical needs of law enforcement officers.  DT specific fitness exercises and drills will be demonstrated and then performed by those attending.  The Injury Prevention for Defensive Tactics Instructors Course is highly recommended for defensive tactics and police martial arts trainers and will help enhance skills no matter what style of DT or martial arts system is utilized.

Dynamic Police Workout (4 or 8 Hour Course)

This course will introduce police officers and police fitness trainers to innovative physical training methods that will increase officer fitness levels, enhance the ability to perform job related physical skills and prevent injury. No equipment is needed, and all exercises and routines can be modified and adapted to suit different populations including less active or older officers, female officers, and DT/tactical personnel. This course is very helpful for departments & agencies wanting to offer department wide exercise programming to diverse populations. This course is also a great tool for use in academy settings.

Specialized Fitness Training for Female Officers (4 or 8 Hour Course)

There are physiological and structural differences between the genders that can affect performance on the street and in training. This course addresses those differences and educates female officers on how to raise their effectiveness to higher levels on the street and in everyday tasks. Female specific fitness strategies to prevent injuries, improve tactical abilities, and police performance are demonstrated and then performed by those attending.  This course is ideal for female officers and those who instruct women in defensive tactics, fitness, and/or firearms.

Specialized Fitness Training for SWAT Officers (4 or 8 Hour Course)

Tactical team members need to have specific physical skills to effectively and safely carry out their duties (missions).  This course will educate tactical team members and tactical trainers on how to improve tactical specific fitness levels. Improving tactical specific fitness will improve physical abilities and the performance of technical skills learned in training. Tactical movement skills including evasive maneuvers and improving shooting proficiency while moving are addressed. Tactical specific fitness drills and strategies to improve tactical preparedness will be demonstrated and then performed by those attending. This course is ideal for members of SWAT teams, Crisis Response Teams and instructors who develop physical training programs for tactical teams.

Fitness for Baton and Shooting Skills Improvement (4 Hour Course)

Baton strikes need to be fast and powerful to insure compliance so that resistance is brought to a prompt conclusion.  Firearms, when employed, rely on forearm strength, arm stability, and quickness in order to improve shooting performance. In this course, officers will learn how to apply the principles of kinesiology to the development of skills in both areas. Tactical movement skills including evasive maneuvers and improving shooting proficiency while moving are addressed. This course is ideal for baton and firearms instructors and will help improve performance and reduce overuse injuries sustained during baton and firearms training.

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